Best Design Podcasts

The best design podcasts: I’ve long been a fan of podcasts for any number of subjects. I find them such a useful way to gain knowledge about something while I’m doing something else, like walking the dog or doing yard-work. I’ve listened to podcasts ranging from sleep stories, parenting, German language, self-improvement, but my favorite podcasts to listen to are design podcasts.

There are certainly many podcasts to choose from, and not all of them are good, but if you find some you really like they can be an amazing way to entertain or educate yourself. Below you can find my favorite design podcasts and why I choose to spend my time listening to them over other podcasts.

Dear Alice Design Podcast

Alice Lane

Dear Alice is a great podcast for so many reasons… The hosts are a design firm out of Utah, they also have a store and design products, but they are a wealth of information for the design enthusiast. Each podcast, usually produced weekly, covers a design subject such as media rooms or gallery walls, bedding, layout designs, and sometimes expert guests. They are in the industry and knowledgeable, but very approachable and candid. I highly recommend checking them out.

House Guest Podcast


House Guest with Carole Annett, editor of Country and Town House magazine, hosts guests in the international design world, but specializes in British design. She features all kinds of guests including Tom Dixon, Francis Sultana, Sally Storey, and others I am less familiar with, but you can expect to learn something from every episode. These are shorter interviews, usually under 30 minutes, so very digestable if you have smaller chunks of time.

More Than One Thing Podcast

more than one thing

More Than One Thing with Athena Calderone is a newer find to me. I was well aware of her on Instagram, but her work was everywhere for a while, and the saturation made me a bit resistent to seek out more? But I have to say, she has some great relationships with interesting people and some of her interviews are really informative about being a multihyphenate and the creative process involved in this title or way of life. I think my favorite interview she did was with Chief Artistic Officer of Tiffany’s, and previously Creative Director at Coach, Reed Krakoff.

The Style Files Podcast

style files

I love Paloma Contreras and I love her series, The Style Files Podcast. I listened to this non-stop during the first lock down. She interviews the top designers of today and asks them questions about how they began in design, what their creative process is, how they run their business, all of the fascinating details you would want to know if you are thinking of opening up your own design firm. I hope she continues with this podcast in the future, as it was definitely one of my favorites.

Business of Home podcast

I’ve recently discovered The Business of Home podcast and it is an obsession. On my 8 hour commute between Zurich and our vacation home I listen to this podcast on a continuous loop and the drive just flies by. Dennis Scully and his co-host, Fred Nicolaus are your insiders into everything related to interior design, from the latest business news of home furnishing companies, to interviews with designers themselves. It is a wealth of information and entertainment and the podcast I am currently listening to the most.

Of course, there are so many other amazing podcasts out there, but these are the ones I continue to go back to information and inspiration. I hope you find them to be useful and entertaining as well.

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